
the palace of the borbones "a tour" x la escoria digo ElEscorial,quién se apunta?

ES QUETENGO Q ESTUDIAR: Palace of the Borbones (Friday in the evening mentions previous 91-8905902/5) Avda. of Don Juan de Borbón and Battenberg, nº 1; in the slope of Monte Abantos, to 1,028 meters of altitude on the level of the sea. Visits: From Tuesday to Sunday (both including), from 10.00 to 17, 00 day 23 of April of 1,563, in commemoration of the victory of the troops of king Felipe II as opposed to those of king of France Enrique II, in the battle of San Quintín (year 1,557), and after choosing this place the commission sent by the Spanish king, was come to put the first stone of the Monastery of San Lorenzo the Real one (called thus being day 10 of August, festividad of San Lorenzo, the day of the victory). Juan Baptist of Toledo was the one in charge to still on put this immense work on a surface of more than thirty and three thousand square meters, in where they ordered themselves, around different inner patios and with the church like central axis, different dependencies: monastery, hospedería, real stays, orchard, gardens, claustros, library, etc. When dying the architect, in 1.567, became position of the construction Juan of Herrera, that saw it finished in 1.584. Since then, the architectonic language used here, that created school, was known by herreriano style. One was based on the protagonism of the purity of the line as opposed to any abuse of decorative elements that distracted the contemplation of the architecture. Thus, in the outside, the linear meters are impressive from facade that seem interminable, with sinfín of identical hollows of windows in rows, without projection on the smooth paramento of the wall, route horizontally by two moldings as soon as insinuated, one to average height and other than mark the birth of the tile roof two waters of gra in which small attics are opened. The towers of the corners prolong in height this composition and make a double game: the one to interrupt the horizontalidad of the facade of that nevertheless they do of unifying element, connecting a cloth with another one. These towers are come to ruin in pronouncing chapiteles to four waters, also in black slate, that repeat the chromatic resistance with the stone. In them it resides, indeed, another one of the characteristics of the herreriano style. The decorative elements are reduced to pinnacles and great stone balls, characteristics from now on of this style. The rest of the elements that compose the covers is eminently architectonic: triangular columns that alternate orders dórico and jónico, entablamentos and, finally, frontons. It surrounds the Building by his North sides and the West a great esplanade that receives the name of Market, all paved she of granite. Surrounding the Market they are the Houses of Offices, Ministries, Infants, Queen and the Gallery of Convalescent. The main facade sight to the West. To each side, four average columns of dórico order. It raises other so many of jónico order and on the set the shield of arms of Spain and the statue of San Lorenzo, work of Monegro. The one of the side This she is simplest. In its center the Palace of the century XVI leans that has square form. By this projection it is said of the Building that its form is resembled the one of a grill. In his sides This and South ones it is the call Garden of the Friars. It rests on 77 arcs. It is an excellent viewpoint from which it is reached to see Madrid and by his position the next surroundings. In an inferior level, it is the Pool and surrounding to this one the Orchard and the Well by the Snow, employee formerly like ice deposit. In the visit to this Real Monastery it is possible to emphasize: The Palaces: Royalty lodging of and séquito were used like. They had its greater occupation during the reign of the Austrias. The Palace of century XVI was place of residence of King Felipe II. It is formed by a series of rooms decorated with simplicity. Numerous pictures and carpets hang of their walls. The room of Felipe II is next to the Greater Altar of the Basilica and from his bed, through a window, it could follow the Offices Sacred. The Palace of the Borbones was recovered at time of Carlos III; his son Carlos IV followed works, ordering to Juan de Villanueva the present stairs of access, located in the North side of the Building. They are rooms very decorated, emphasizing a collection of 200 carpets of the Real Factory of Santa Barbara, on small boards of Goya, Bayeu and Castillo. Most of the ceilings the Lopez are painted in Pompeyano style by Felipe. The Fine Wood Pieces are rooms where their pavements, doors, windows and moldings are constructed with work of ebanistería and inlays, using rich wood. The Sorting room: In this room passages of the most famous battles won by the Spanish armies imagine. All the paintings are Fresh, including the Vault, of Pompeyano style. The authors of paintings were: Granelo, Castello, Tavarón and Cambiasso. In 1890 the iron railing settled that crosses all the Room according to drawing of Jose Second of Motto. Patio of Kings: It receives east name by the six Biblical kings who adorn their high part, they represent monarchs of Judea, and are work of Monegro. The sceptres and the crowns are of golden bronze of the escultor Sebastián Fernandez. It is acceded to the patio through the fore door of the monument. Basilica: The Church has square plant. The construction is made in granítica stone and is of dórico order. The cupola of the Cimborrio is maintained by four pillars. Fresh that they decorate the Church is of Lucas Jordán and Luca Cambiasso, painted at time of Carlos II. In the contour and the interior of the enclosure a total of 43 Altars and Chapels with rich paintings of Navarrete are based, Sanchez Coit, Carvajal and Juan Go'mez. To the sides of the Greater Altar they are the "Oratorios Real" and upon these the "Real Burials", thus called both groups of five made kneel gilded bronze statues. A group corresponds to the family of Carlos V and the other to the family of Felipe II. All of them work of Pompeyo Leoni. The Altarpiece of the Greater Altar has four bodies, the first dórico, the second jónico, third corintio and the fourth body is of compound order. The fifteen bronze statues that adorn it are of the Leoni, father and son, and marbles of Juan Baptist Comane and Pedro Castello. The Tabernacle of the Altarpiece is a unique work in its sort; the plan was of Herrera and the execution of Jacome Trezzo, style corintio, made of fine stones and golden bronzes to fire. In the Cruise of the Church there are two organs, constructed by Maese Gil Brevost and recovered in 1963. Choir: One is on the entrance of the Temple. The Fresh airs of the Choir were painted by Rómulo Cincinato and Luquetto. To the sides of the Choir there are two orders of seats, designed by Juan of Herrera and the work executed Giuseppe Arrow. The book collection of the Choir consists of 219 Choir books. In the front part the Facistol is placed, in which the great books for their reading were placed. Sacristía: All the stay is adorned with beautiful pictures of first order. The fresh airs of the ceiling were painted by Nicholas Granello and Fabricio Castello. The lateral one straight of the ship is covered by a furniture of two bodies, of rich wood. In the south of the room it is the altar, covered by the picture of "the Sagrada Forma", of Claudius Coit, which he hides Custodia with the Sagrada Forma that was given to Felipe II in 1592 by Rodolfo II, king of Hungary. Real Pantheons: Felipe III, son of Felipe II, was the initiator of works of the Real Pantheons in 1617; and they were inaugurated by king Felipe IV. They are located underneath the Greater Altar and it is acceded lowering stairs had with Spanish marbles. It is of octogonal plant. The 26 tombs, of plan barroca and black marble, contain the rest of the kings of the Houses of Austrias and Borbón with the exception of Felipe V and Fernando I SAW. Pantheons of Infants: in 1862, under the reign of Isabel II, they gave to beginning works, finishing in 1888. They consist of nine cameras, that they have had his walls and pavements with marbles of Florence and Carrera. In these Pantheons the queens are buried who die without real descendants and the princes and infants. Library: It has a book collection of a incalculable value. Jose de Sigüenza towards 1577 was organized by the great humanist Benito Aryan Montano, helped by the Father. In all his around the fine wood bookcases are installed, designed by Juan of Herrera and carved by Giuseppe Flecha and Gamboa. The superior part of the Library is a vault of tube painted to the fresh air by Peregrin Tibaldi. Between many remarkable books they emphasize: the Cantigas of Santa Maria, Alfonso X the Wise person; works autógrafas of Santa Teresa de Jesus; Codices mozárabes; the Aureo Codex (written with gold letters); and great amount of Persian and Arab manuscripts. This Library is public and can accede to élla for the study or reading of its books. Rooms You will capitulate: Turned painting museum, they are formed by three great called rooms You will capitulate by being where the monks held their meetings or chapters. First, that serves as antechamber or vestibule, it occupies the center and the other two, that extends on both sides, are the calls properly Chapters. The works that can be seen are of the Bosco, Martíre Neri, Navarrete, Lucas Jordán, Mario de Fiori, etc. New Museums: Agreeing with the celebration of IV the centenary of the construction of the Monastery two monographic museums were inaugurated in their enclosure: the Pinacoteca and the Museum of Architecture. Pinacoteca: of aspect and similar decoration to the Rooms You will capitulate; paved his they are of white and gray marbles. The greater hall is known like the Hall Honor. To the entrance of the Museums the Greco receives the impressive work to us of Domenico Theotokopuli "", "the Martyrdom of San Mauricio". The Pinacoteca is completed with nine rooms: or German and Flamenco School, centuries XV and XVI. or Miguel Coxcie. or Tiziano. or Italian Veneciana School and. or Jose Shore. or Spanish School, century XVII. or Italian School. or Italian, Flamenco and Dutch School. Museum of Architecture: "Plant of Vaults" is installed in the call by Juan of Herrera. Divided in eleven rooms, reproductions of the planes used in the construction of the Monastery, cost of works, used tools, the cranes that took stones to highest of the building, and the importance are in éllas that the different offices had in the factory of the Dump.

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